Issue # 52 - What I Am Learning About Flow, Joy & Ease...
Oct 08, 2023Hey,
Over the past two weeks, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of Flow.
Flow is that experience you have when you are working on something you love, for hours on end, without noticing time pass by.
Flow is effortless action.
The reason I embarked on this quest to understand Flow better is simple...
I've recognized that my best work emerges when I'm in flow.
As I dove deep into this idea…
I learned that one of the things that makes flow easy to access is whether we are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.
Let me explain the difference between the two:
Intrinsic motivators come from within.
You do something because you want to do it.
Because you enjoy doing it.
Because you are inspired to do it.
On the other hand, extrinsic motivators come from the outside.
You do something in order to gain an external reward.
The could be money, approval, success, status, etc.
While external incentives can certainly drive us to achieve goals and milestones...
They make it harder for us to access flow.
That state of blissful immersion becomes easily accessible when we engage in something out of genuine interest, passion, and personal fulfillment.
It's the reason we can lose ourselves in a hobby, a creative project, or a challenging task we genuinely enjoy.
Learning about intrinsic vs extrinsic motivators made me realize that I am largely driven by extrinsic motivators.
It's been a wake-up call to dive deeper and connect with those intrinsic motivators that will make it easier for me to access flow.
I'm not quite sure what this is going to look like, but I'm excited about this new journey within.
If you enjoyed this email and want me to share my future insights on this, shoot me a reply.
I think this is a powerful idea, which is why I wanted to share it with you.
I hope it serves you well.
With love,
Abraham Casallas
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Written by Abraham Casallas
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