Issue # 50 - Doubting Yourself? Read This!
Sep 17, 2023Hey,
To win the game of entrepreneurship, you have to believe deep down in your heart, that winning is possible for you.
You’d be surprised how many entrepreneurs I work with that know their dream life/business is possible, but subconsciously believe it’s not possible for them.
They see others’ success and want it for themselves…
They know it can be done!
Yet a little voice inside their head wonders - "Do I have it in me?"
This insidious belief leads to overthinking, inaction, impostor syndrome, and ultimately a lack of progress and results.
But where does this little dirty belief come from?
It stems from a core belief of - Not being enough.
Not being charismatic enough to create content.
Not being savvy enough to build a fulfilling and successful business.
Not being enough to - (insert whatever story you tell yourself)
But here’s the kicker, this belief of not being enough - excuse my language - is straight-up BS.
I don’t care who you are, what you look like, or where you are from.
I genuinely believe that if you put in the work, you’ll get the result.
And to win, you must believe this too.
It’s not about being special, it’s about doing the work.
The hard pill most people don’t want to swallow is that believing these paralyzing stories is usually just an easy way of avoiding the hard work it takes to build a successful business.
Emerson has a quote that drives this point home in a beautiful way.
“Do the work and you shall have the power.”
Overthinking? Do the work.
Impostor syndrome? Do the work.
Don't think you can do it? Do the work.
Doing the work is the key to showing yourself that you can do it.
Doing the work and showing yourself that you can do it, is how you overcome all those limiting beliefs.
So next time your mind starts racing, and you start doubting yourself...
Bring your attention back to the present, and simply focus on doing the work.
That's it for this Sunday email.
Hope it spoke to you.
Abraham Casallas
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Written by Abraham Casallas
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