Issue # 47 - The 🗝️ To Growth!
Aug 27, 2023Read Time: 3 Minutes
One of the things I realized early on in my entrepreneurial journey is that my business would never outgrow me.
Listen closely, because this is where the magic happens.
If you’ve been feeling like you’ve been spinning your wheels…
It’s only because you haven’t challenged yourself to play at a higher level.
Your standards for what you ask of life & what you ask of yourself have remained the same.
To break through to a new level…
To experience the growth & success you are after…
You must challenge yourself by holding yourself to a new standard.
"What do you mean by a new standard Abraham?"
Glad you asked!
A new standard refers to a higher level of expectation, performance, quality, behavior, or achievement that surpasses existing norms or benchmarks.
That last sentence is worth a re-read…
Setting a new standard involves challenging yourself to do more and aiming for a new level of excellence.
There’s a Japanese idea that I’ve made a part of my personal philosophy I want to share with you today.
The concept is called Kaizen.
Don't let the fancy word throw you off.
Kaizen is all about one thing: constant, relentless improvement until the day you die.
It's a fusion of two words: "kai," which means "change," and "zen," which means "good."
Put 'em together, and you've got "change for the better."
That's what Kaizen is all about – the art of intentionally making things better, bit by bit.
1% better everyday.
That’s what it takes.
I’ll leave you with a journaling prompt to help you develop some awareness around what a new standard may look like for you.
Brew yourself a nice cup of Joe and meditate on these 3 questions:
1. What does the ultimate version of success look like for me?
2. Where can I raise the bar and hold myself to a new standard?
3. What can I commit to doing this week to raise the bar and hold myself to a new standard?
That’s it for today's email.
Sending love,
Abraham Casallas
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Written by Abraham Casallas
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