Issue #39 - Are You Missing These Offers In Your Business?
Jul 02, 2023Read Time - 5 Minutes
What I am going to share in today's email has the power to revolutionize the way you approach your business and skyrocket your success.
No joke…
Today’s email is all about the importance of having different offers at various price points and creating a seamless journey for your customers to purchase each of these offers as they need them.
Now let me tell you why this idea is so powerful!
The truth is that - not everyone is ready to purchase your money-maker high-ticket offer.
Because some people are still on the fence about you (not enough trust) or they are simply not ready for that offer.
If all you have is one offer in your business you are missing out on the opportunity to:
- Serve & sell those who are not ready for that offer
- Show those who are on the fence that you can help them
After working with over 100 creative entrepreneurs I can tell you that any digital business will benefit and handsomely profit from having the following four offers:
1. A Free Offer
The free offer will be priced at $0.
The cost of admission will usually be an email address.
The goal of this offer is to build a deeper relationship with those that are just coming into your world.
I like to think of this offer as the gateway into your world.
This is your first impression offer.
It should show people what you are all about.
But, not just that... It should wow them...
If built correctly, this offer will show someone that they’ve found the person they were looking for.
This offer could be delivered in an e-book, private training, mini-course, video series, etc. format.
2. A Low-Ticket Offer
The low-ticket offer will be priced between $1 - $99.
The goal of this offer is to make it easy for someone to purchase something from you by pricing it so low that it becomes a no-brainer.
This is an important offer as it is responsible for changing the relationship from a follower to a customer.
And let me tell you… once you change the relationship everything changes…
If this offer delivers its promise, it becomes 10X easier to sell that person other offers because you showed them that you can help them by actually helping them.
Pro-tip: Make this offer worth 10X what people pay for it. Thank me later.
3. A Mid-Ticket Offer
The mid-ticket offer will be priced between $99 - $997.
The goal of this offer is to offer those who purchased your low ticket offer an even deeper level of value by unlocking more profound results/outcomes for your customers.
What will happen is that as they go through this offer they will start to see a deeper transformation that will leave them hungry for more.
4. A High-Ticket Offer
The high ticket offer will be priced between $1000 & $25,000+.
This is your money maker.
The goal of this offer is to provide those who purchase it the best you can offer.
By this point in their journey, your customers have built unwavering trust in your abilities and are willing to invest in their dreams, knowing you're the catalyst for their success.
This premium offering is the crown jewel of your business, reserved for those who crave the ultimate level of support, and guidance.
This offer should provide unparalleled access to your expertise, personalized attention, and exclusive perks.
Here's why having each of these offers in your business is so powerful.
Each offer is intentionally designed to meet people where they are at and seamlessly lead customers from one offer to the next.
As they progress, they experience your expertise in a progressive and cumulative way.
The value they receive at each level builds upon the previous one, creating a sense of trust, loyalty, and dependence on your offerings.
But remember, the key to unlocking the full potential of having all these offers lies in ensuring that each offer is built with care and delivers exceptional value.
- Your free offer should make people say - “How on earth is this free?”
- Your low-ticket offer should exceed expectations.
- Your mid-ticket offer should dazzle with its impact.
- Your high-ticket offer should be nothing short of transformational.
Now I only teach what I practice and have seen work through my own experience so with that said...
Take some time to browse through how I've laid out each one of these offers in my business.
- Free Offer: 0-$10k Coaching/Creator Business Free Guide
- Low Ticket - Creator Business Accelerator
- Mid Ticket - Creator Business Academy Mastermind
- High Ticket - 1-on-1 Coaching
As you go through these offers, pay attention to how they are structured.
Notice the language used to market them.
Study them.
Then think through how you can create each one of these in your business.
That's it for this email.
This one is worth studying.
See you next week!
-Abraham Casallas
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Written by Abraham Casallas
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