Issue #6 - 10 Ways To Make Big Profits With A Small Audience
Oct 30, 2022In today's email, I am going to share with you why you don’t need a big audience to make money and what you need to make money with a small audience.
A lot of people, mistakenly assume that having a big audience is a pre-requisite to making money on the internet.
And while it helps... it’s not a prerequisite or a guarantee for that matter.
You see, I’ve worked with creators who have millions of followers and can’t sell a t-shirt and creators with micro audiences < 10k who are crushing it.
I feel uniquely qualified to write this email as I am one of those smaller creators.
If you combine my audiences across all my social media accounts my audience amounts to about 7k people.
Yet if you average out my income for the last 3 years, I’ve been able to make around $230k/year with digital offers like coaching programs, courses, and masterminds.
I am by no means crushing it. I still have a lot to learn. But my income does allow me to live a pretty sweet lifestyle at 27.
Why You Don't Need A Big Audience To Profit
Have you ever bought a drink from a food stand at an event?
Did it matter that they didn't have millions of followers?
No, right?
What truly mattered is that you had a problem - you were thirsty - and they had a solution - water.
At the end of the day what makes people buy is their pains, problems, dreams, and desires. Not audience size.
Half the battle is creating offers that alleviate or satisfy the above. 👆
The other half?
Showing the right people that your offer is the thing they've been looking for.
Not knowing how to do the latter half effectively is what keeps a lot of smaller creators from monetizing.
Let’s dive into how to find the right people and sell them stuff for a profit!
What You Need To Profit Big With A Small Audience
What I'm about to share with you are 10 things, that from experience, I believe every small creator needs to be able to profit big with a small audience.
1) To sell like the big accounts, show up like the big accounts.
Why? Because that's who you are competing with.
Your work must be as good or better than theirs.
Invest time, money, and energy into making your content the best it can be.
2) Learn how to find customers with a small audience
3) Become resourceful
The more resourceful you become the less your audience size matters.
Here are ways in which you can be resourceful:
- Working the dm's
- Investing in ads to grow your list
- Developing a relationship with your list
- Turning 1 purchase into multiple and 1 client into many
4) Become a true expert
Why? Because this is the only way to truly help people, get awesome testimonials, develop a reputation and stand out as someone of value. An expert is an expert regardless of their audience size.
5) Prove that you are an expert with proof that you are an expert
Case studies, testimonials, and reviews. Get them and showcase them. You need to build trust and this is the easiest way to do so.
6) Work with people who already have the audience you want
These people are out there. If you bring the right win-win opportunity to these people, they will be happy and excited to work with you. Find them and find ways to create value with them.
7) If it fits your offer/market go high-ticket
Let's say that your current revenue goal is $10k/m. It's much easier to get to $10k with a $2500 offer than it is to get to $10k with a $100 offer. Why? It's much easier to find 4 people than 100.
8) For the love of God... Build your list
Your list is your business.
- Build it
- Grow it
- Develop a relationship with it
- Monetize it through aligned offers
9) Don't play according to the size of your audience.
Play according to how much value you can provide to the world.
10) Don't make the mistake I did...
It wasn't until recently that I became intentional about building an audience. I wish I would've done this from the start. Prioritize building your audience as everything is easier with a bigger audience. That said, don't let that hold you back from monetizing a small one.
Want to dive deeper?
The following are three ways in which I can help you:
1. [NEW LIMITED OFFER] Want some quick feedback on your business, offers, marketing strategy? - Book a 90-minute Coaching Call With Me
2. Want to learn how to monetize your ideas, skills, and passion? Get started here.
3. Want me and my team to help you build and scale fast? Apply for one-on-one coaching here.
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Written by Abraham Casallas
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